Latest Watch Dogs demo suggests current gen experience. Watch Dogs , one of a handful of non-sequels set to grace the next generation of consoles upon their release in November (as well as those already on the market, and the PC to boot). Though we could only observe the live demo, what we saw looked like a decidedly current-generation experience. The section of the game Ubisoft decided to show Drop7 while superfluous narratives "unfold" on the big screen. Gizmag managed did notice a non-player character reassure the protagonist that the location of their tryst was secure – this despite the fact that the player character had just infiltrated it. The game's lauded hacking mechanic featured in the demo, but key questions remain unanswered. Though varied, the examples we saw seemed limited in scope, the player taking the opportunity to highlight an object, and pressing a button to "hack" it in a predetermined way. In the live demo we saw (supposedl...
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