iPhone 5S to be priced at Rs 53,500 in India, iPhone 5C at Rs 41,900 Apple iPhone 5S and 5C will be available in India from November 1. The iPhone 5S will be priced at Rs 53,500 for 16 GB, Rs 62,500 for 32 GB and Rs 71,500 for Rs 64 GB. It will be available in gold, space grey and black colours.The price of iPhone 5C, which is available in yellow, green, pink, white and blue, will start at Rs 41,900 for 16 GB, while its 32 GB variant is priced at Rs 53,500.Cases for iPhone 5S will cost Rs 3,200, while those for 5C will cost Rs 2,300. iPhone 4S 8GB will be available for Rs 31,500. Apple has discontinued iPhone 4 and iPhone 5. Leading telecom operators Bharti Airtel and Reliance Communications have already announced that they will start selling iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C smartphones from November 1 in India. Airtel has started pre-bookings for the latest iPhones which saw record sales in the first three days of launch in the US market. "Interested customers can visit se...