What happens when you boil Coca-Cola???? See the video!!!1 Coca Cola or other fizzy, sugary drinks have always been under the controversial scrutiny, whether it was the experiment where a tooth vanished in Coca Cola after being soaked in it for weeks or how the dirty urinal turned sparkling clean when it was cleaned with it! But has it ever crossed your mind that what would happen to Coca Cola when you boil it? In this video, 500ml of Coke is boiled in a saucepan on the stove. As soon as Coke is poured in a hot saucepan, it starts to bubble up and boil fervently. Within 15 minutes, it starts to reduce in the amount and become thicker and thicker, viscosity as much as that of a cough syrup. The color of the drink is now becoming darker. The process is continued up till 25 minutes and by this time it turns into a black gooey paste. Some people might find it stomach-turning to watch their favorite drink turn into sticky paste but it might amuse some. What has actually happened...
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