Kochadaiiyaan' to hit the screens on Friday, Rajinikanth fever grips Chennai Kochadaiiyaan wallpaper (Photo credit: arunrobo@ymail.com ) The wait is almost over! Come Friday, May 23rd, Tamil superstar Rajinikanth 's latest offering, 'Kochadaiiyaan' is all set to hit the screens. Directed by the star's younger daughter, Soundarya Ashwin , who makes her debut, 'Kochadaiiyaan' is touted as Rajini's magnum opus. Kochadaiiyaan wallpaper (Photo credit: arunrobo@ymail.com ) But for fans of the actor, 'Kochadaiiyaan' is so much more than being the first film in India to use motion capture technology. "We have been starved of a Rajini film for four years now," says Rajagopal, a die-hard fan. The 63-year-old actor's last film was 'Enthiran' in 2010, which was a box-office hit. Another reason why 'Kochadaiiyaan' is so special for thousands of Rajini fans is that it is their Thaliavar's first film since his ...
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