LG unveils entire Ultra HD TV range and Web OS TVs priced Rs 1.5 lakh up Underlining the fact that Ultra HD televisions were indeed becoming more affordable, LG Electronics as unveiled an entire line up of these high resolution screen across a wide range of price points. As part of the India Gadget Expo in Hyderabad, the company also launched in India the world’s first Smart TV with Full HD CINEMA 3D and Smart LED Screen on the WebOS platform. LG전자, ‘화질-음질’강화 울트라HD TV 공개 (Photo credit: LGEPR ) The new ULTRA HD TVs are complemented by forward-facing 5.2 multi-channel sound systems designed in collaboration with harman/kardon. Packed with LG’s new ULTRA Surround Sound concept, the speakers promise an immersive auditory experience. LG’s ULTRA HD Engine Pro offers the processing power necessary to achieve the 4K resolution (3840 x 2160) and a proprietary chip that works in conjunction with the engine to eliminate any visual artifacts. LG’s newest ULTRA ...
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