""Commercial airplane pilots, what's the closest disaster you've averted while on a flight that the passengers had no idea about? How often do these things happen?"" This was a question in AskReddit open Forum, which received more than 500 comments.. Here are some best experiences from the page. 1. ""LAX ATC botched a landing for us once. I was a passenger on a United Express jet coming in to Los Angeles in the evening. We were just about to touch down on the runway when all the lights in the cabin and AC went off, and simultaneously the engines outside roared. Suddenly we were vertical, shooting back into the air. Everyone shrieked and gasped. I was glued to my window and looked down and saw we hurdled over another plane that had been taxiing across where we were landing. We got into the air, went out over the ocean and began to turn around. The lights flickered back on and the AC returned. Then over the PA the captain expla...
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