Redmi 9i Launching For Rs 7,999 In India? Leaked Specs, USPs & More For Redmi 9i Chinese smartphone manufacturer, Redmi is planning to launch the Redmi 9i on Tuesday, September 15. However, just days ahead of the launch, the rice of the Redmi 9i has been leaked. As per the leaks, the price of Redmi 9i will be surprising, and can be the best in the class of budget smartphones in India right now. Redmi 9i is going to be the 4th smartphone in the series, after Redmi 9A, Redmi 9, and Redmi 9 Prime. Read on to find out all the details! Redmi 9i Launch On September 15; Price Leaked Days Ahead As per a reveal by tipster, the Redmi 9i will be launched at Rs. 7,999. This price seems quite reasonable as the Redmi 9i will be between the Redmi 9A which is priced at Rs. 6799 while Redmi 9A is priced at Rs 6,799, Whereas, the Redmi 9 is launched for Rs 8,999. The phone will be launched on Tuesday, September 15, and will be the next in the series after Redmi 9...
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