Vivo launches 6.41-inch V11 Pro in India with 25 mp front camera f ollow us on facebook: and After having releasing many teasers for some time, Vivo has at last launched its latest smartphone, the Vivo V11 Pro for the Indian market. The market has at least a couple of phones for comparison; one is the Nokia 7 Plus and the other from their own stable, the Oppo F9 Pro. Here are the key specifications of the Vivi V11 Pro. The 6.41-inch Super AMOLED display has all of 92.2% as real estate (aspect ratio 19.5:9) and 1080x2340pixels screen resolution. The glass back design gives out that the phone has the fast charging capability. The water drop notch on top of the front screen houses the front camera. The Vivo V11 Pro is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 SoC that is octa-core in construction and clocks a speed of...
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