Apple Watch SE: What to expect from Apple's affordable smartwatch Along with the Watch Series 6, Apple is also expected to launch an affordable Watch on September 15. Apple is scheduled to host its ‘Time Flies’ event on September 15. Apple usually launches its new iPhones in September but this event is said to be reserved for other products. Apple is expected to launch the next-gen Watch and an iPad as well. Another interesting speculation is that Apple will also launch an affordable Watch that will be an upgrade over the Watch Series 3. This rumoured Apple Watch could be called “Apple Watch SE” or simply “Apple Watch”. Bloomberg earlier this month reported on Apple’s upcoming launches. Among these, the report stated that a successor to the Apple Watch Series 5 and a “replacement” for the Series 3 are in the works. Tipster Jon Prosser also tweeted about the two Apple Watch models that will most likely launch on September 15. According to the Bloomberg report, the ...
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